Catelyn is a Fellow of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys ("AAAA") and a member of the Maryland, Virginia and District of Columbia bars, where she has represented countless birth parents in adoption plans as well as representing adopting parents across all three jurisdictions. Catelyn focuses in the area of family building, estate matters and children’s rights. She is a native Washingtonian and graduated from Denison University with a B.A. in English Literature. She handles LGBTQ cases involving step parent, second parent and parentage matters and is highly regarded locally as one of the best adoption attorneys in the area.
Catelyn has her J.D. from New England School of Law in Boston. While in law school, Catelyn focused her education on family law and the rights of children. She helped start the Education Law and Policy Association at New England Law. She was also a member of the Family Law Society and Children’s Law Society.
In law school, Catelyn received a mediation award and a CALI Award for Trial Practice. She also worked as a law clerk at Children’s Legal Services in Boston. In this capacity, she worked with children in the foster care system. Catelyn attended Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings with her clients as an Educational Advocate. She had the opportunity to assist in several court investigations and attended hearings for clients ranging from truancy to termination of parental rights.
During her law school summer, Catelyn worked with First Star, a national non-profit which advocates for the rights of children in the foster care system. Catelyn has a passion for working with children and seeing that all children have a safe and happy home.
In her spare time, Catelyn participates with the Montgomery County Bar Foundation Pro Bono Program handling divorces for pro bono clients.
20 Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew, Sherrie Eldridge
Raising Adopted Children: Practical Reassuring Advice for Every Adoptive Parent, by Lois Ruskai Melina
Talking to Your Child About Adoption, Patricia Martinez Dorner
Making Sense of Adoption, A Parents Guide, Lois Ruskai Melina
Dialogues About Adoption: Conversations Between Parents and Their Children, Linda Bothum
Being Adopted: The Lifelong Search for Self,by David M. Brodzinsky, Marshall D. Schecter and Robin Marantz Henig
The Family of Adoption, by Joyce Maguire Pavao Taking with Young Children About Adoption, Mary Watkins and Susan Fisher
Real Parents, Real Children: Parenting the Adopted Child, Holly van Gulden and LIsa M. Bartels-Rabb
“We believe in working with each of our clients—in support of their family dynamic—to make the dreams of parenthood a reality. Whether you are single or married; or gay; a step-parent, a surrogate or intended parent or a child of adoption, it is our mission to serve as your advocate. With a dedication to the ethical and sensitive nature of each situation, we will help you understand the laws within Maryland , Virginia and Washington, DC for adoption or surrogacy, and pledge to be your partner throughout the journey.”
- Modern Family Formation Law Offices
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